Chapter seven deals with error handling. Another crucial concept that tends to not be utilized correctly. It still surprises me how many code bases I encounter that make little or no use of exception handling.
Right out of the gate we get a best practice reminder: it can be hard to uncover the intent of code when it’s obscured by error handling. I think it was covered in a previous chapter as well but the concept of wrapping a caller in try/catch/finally and having the callee perform the logic that could end up in an exceptional state is very important.
Exceptions Not Response Codes
- We should not be returning status/response codes from functions and acting on the codes in the caller
- Utilize exceptions to take action based on one or many exceptional states encountered
Write Try/Catch First
- exceptions define scope within a program
It is good practice to write your try/catch first
- it helps to define what the user of the code can expect
- When it comes to testing try to write tests that force exceptions then add behavior to the handler to satisfy the test
Use Unchecked Exceptions
- not really my domain
Provide Context With Exceptions
- exceptions should include a message with some additional information about what happened
- a stack trace is helpful but does not reveal intent of code
Define Exceptions Based on Callers Needs
- when defining exception classes the most important thing to keep in mind is how they will be caught
the example code given here illustrates how you can wrap third party code and translate exceptions.
- this section provided my biggest takeway - that wrapping third party code is a matter of best practice
- isolating dependencies and creating common wrappers makes the code easier to replace and easier to test
Define Normal Flow
- wrapping calls and abstracting exception handling pushes error detection to the edges of your system
the Special Case Pattern
- create a class or configure an object so that it handles a special case for you
- when done the client does not have to deal with exceptional behavior
Do Not Return Or Pass Null
- yes yes yes
- when we return null we’re just creating work for ourselves
- when tempted to return null consider throwing an exception or returning a special case object instead
- passing null as an argument is worse than returning it
- the conditionals required to validate what’s passed in are unwieldly
- most languages do not provide a useful way to deal with null being passed to a function
My notes for this chapter were really short but the it provided a lot of value. I sort of wish it was a lot longer to be honest. The code examples were helpful but I would have found it beneficial to see a few more examples of the special case pattern to really solidify it’s usecase.