It’s late here. Like ‘whoa crazy crazy’ late for me – aka anything past 8pm – but, I digress…
- Git
- Ruby 1.9+
- NodeJS
- Bower
NBD right? Fo’ sho….Yeah it’s late. So I had ruby and git installed – we can take those off the list. Everything else you can apt-get install. Everything was running pretty smoothly until I entered my www directory all primed and ready for some Foundation 5 awesomeness. According to the good people at Zurb I merely needed to:
$ foundation new yourprojectname
This should spit out a new directory with the name of
After checking versions of things I noticed something – my path variable was ‘nodejs’ and not ‘node’. When running or checking version I could not access node by typing ‘node’ but had to in fact type ‘nodejs’. As one of the dependencies it’s my guess that foundation is referencing node by ‘node’ and not ‘nodejs’. Following through on my hunch I found this on stack overflow. I had to create a symlink to be able to use node to access nodejs:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
It turned out my hunch was correct and this did work. I’m guessing this may be a niche problem now but as wider adoption of Foundation 5 occurs it might become more of a problem. I’ve got no idea if this an issue on other versions/flavors of Linux or MacOS but I’m guessing that, regardless, this would work as a solution on other platforms as well. But, remember, use at your own risk.